The McCormick Family Foundation is a section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation.
At this time, the Foundation is solely supported by the McCormick Family.
Donations are not made to individuals but rather to charitable organizations or direct programs that offer opportunities to develop and enrich the life of an individual.
The Foundation chooses to support charitable organizations that share in our mission and represent our core pillars.
We do not accept unsolicited requests for funding; however, charities are invited to submit a letter of introduction describing itself, its mission, and how its programs align with our mission and core pillars.
The letter will be reviewed and after our own due diligence, the Foundation may request additional information and a funding proposal. Presently, there is no application process or deadline.
Decisions to support a charitable organization are made solely at the discretion of the Board.
You can contact the Foundation at:
The McCormick Family Foundation
c/o FFO, LLC
545 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1103
New York, New York 10017Email: info@tmcff.org